Форум » Обо всем » Вы не любите пайболдов? Вы просто не умеете их готовить! » Ответить

Вы не любите пайболдов? Вы просто не умеете их готовить!


Ответов - 74, стр: 1 2 3 4 All

Natik: bornao ПРОСТО СУПЕР!!!!!!

bornao: Natik Я вот и предлагаю заняться в Золотой таксе пайболдами

Natik: bornao Я тоже ЗА-ЗА-ЗА-ЗА

bornao: Natik

bornao: http://www.savethepiebalds.com/Petition.htm

Валентина: А это моя таксюшка!

Тамара: Валентина Быстрее заводите тему, кто, где, откуда (ну очень, очень интересно!)

bornao: Валентина пайболд кремовый




bornao: Чтож мысль о пайболдах в наших краях становится почти материальной Руководители-АУ Валентина я надеюсь,что вы в России,а лучше в Москве! И надеюсь,что вы подружитесь с Золотой таксой!

Валентина: bornao Дружить - всегда за! Я в Москве!

bornao: Валентина пишет: Дружить - всегда за! Я в Москве! Может темку свою сделаете Фоток хочется и рассказа- откуда вы,как зовут и все-все -все

Моргана: bornao первое фото

bornao: http://www.countrygardendoxie.com/Piebald_Winnies_Puppies_3.htm

bornao: http://www.countrygardendoxie.com/Crissys_Pie_Female_4.htm

bornao: Дорогие хозяева пайболдов- может быть вы сами расскажите о том,кто такие пайболды?

Яна: bornao пишет: Дорогие хозяева пайболдов- может быть вы сами расскажите о том,кто такие пайболды? и все-таки,пайболды-это кремовые таксы в яблоках???

bornao: Яна нет-нет-нет,пайболд совсем не обязательно крем. Потом накидаю сюда что и почему


bornao: http://www.translate.ru/Default.aspx/Text Piebald dachsunds are really special. In order to get the piebald pattern both parents must carry the piebald gene. When two piebalds are bred the puppies will all be piebald (no exception). Be wary of a "piebald" from two non-piebald parents. You may have a double dapple on your hands (although it is possible to get a piebald from two non piebald parents if they are both piebald carriers). Piebald is a recessive gene. Many people appreciate dapple and double dapple dachshunds and we do not fault them for that. Dappling is the result of a completely different gene than piebald. Double dapple (as a result of breeding dapple to dapple) can result in white areas on a dog and even blue eyes (which is the double dapple carrying into the iris of the dogs eye...this can and does cause blindness and small eye size (gives a recessed look to the eye as it is too small to fill the socket) in some cases). This may be attractive to some but the dapple gene can cause genetic problems in dachshunds (especially double dapple). Double dapple dachshunds have been in high demand over the years due to their white highlights. Dapple is a self eliminating gene in nature due to it's destructive effects probability over time (generations). Piebald dachshunds bring the white highlights (or majority white color) without the detrimental effects of the dapple gene. The piebald gene is not self destructive over time and piebald may be bred to one another indefinitely without detrimental effects. Piebalds breed true and predictably. The piebald pattern is caused by the same gene that gives Beagles, Rat Terriers and Jack Russels their "spotted" patern. The piebald gene is safe with no known ill genetic defects associated with the gene. Piebald dachshunds are really special and we have fallen in love with the pattern. The piebald pattern is just that...a pattern. Piebalds can occur in red, black and tan, chocolate, isabella, blue and cream (or any other color that may pop up). Piebald is a patter not a color (other patterns are brindle and dapple).

bornao: The piebald dachshund is the same as any other dachshund except for its distinct color. The term piebald originated in the United Kingdom, and it refers to a type of unusual coloring that has a white base and can be combined with brown, black and sometimes gray. This coloring is seen in a few different types of dogs, as well as in other animals like the pinto horse, where it originated. A piebald dachshund will have a white coat with color blotches scattered in a variety of patterns across their body. The piebald dachshund's colors are usually white with brown or white with black, and the colors do not look like the spots found on a Dalmatian dog. Piebald coloring has very large patches of color appearing in different areas all over the body. The piebald color pattern is not as common as the basic black and tan coloring found on many dachshunds, but it is not extraordinarily rare.

bornao: The recessive piebald gene does not carry the lethal white gene. Unlike the dapple the piebald will never have blue eyes unless that dog or puppy is a piebald dapple. White spotting is Irish white spotting in a dachshund. This would include any amount of white on a dachshund they should have four white legs, a white tipped tail, and a white chest. An 'extreme piebald white spotting'. This is where more than 80% of the coat is white like my Snoopy. They can appear with any color. Piebald is recessive which means both parents must be showing or carrying for it to appear. True piebald's bred to true piebald's always produces am entire litter of piebald pups. The Piebald pattern can appear with the dominant patterns brindle and dapple patterns. AKC will now register a brindle piebald but they will not register a dapple piebald. Piebald is a safe means of creating white dachshund color, not lethal like dapple gene. Dapple piebald's often have one or two blue eyes - a solid piebald or brindle piebald will never have blue eyes only brown eyes. It is impossible to have blue eyes on a dachshund without the dapple pattern. White spotting can have ticking which looks like someone took a pen or marker and put little dots of color in the white. When tickling is present it can vary in from one single spot to an abundance of spots all over the body forming a roaming effect, similar to that seen in English Setters. Ticking is dominant only one of the parents needs to be ticked for ticking to appear.

bornao: The s-series affects restriction eumelanin/pheomelanin. It encompasses the following alleles: S (full self-color), si (tuxedo), sp (piebald), sw (extreme white).

bornao: parti-coloring Parti-color consists of three different patterns, all of which produce white on the body in different amounts and places. The opposite of parti-color is the dominant "self", non-pattern-white coloration (S). - If the self-color allele is present (S, as in SS, Ssi, Ssp, or Ssw), then the dog may not show any parti-color pattern; all parti-colored patterns are typically recessive. However, parti-color alleles are incompletely recessive in some dogs, and a dog that carries for one (but not two) may look like a like it has one or more white mismarks up to the point of almost looking like a tuxedo. - A dog can carry a maximum of two parti-colored patterns (si, sp, or sw), in any combination; i.e., sisp, spsw, and sisw are possible, along with the pure sisi, spsp, and swsw. - A parti-colored dog that has another pattern other than a spotting pattern shows that other pattern on the colored areas, not on the white areas. - A parti-color may have a butterfly or dudley nose. - Parti-colors are almost non-existent in nature, as "standing out in a crowd" is not conducive to staying alive in the wild. (This is the reason why camouflaging mutations, such as brindling and dappling, came about.) Parti-colors have been bred for in domesticated animals because it was originally easier for people to distinguish their animals that way, and later it also became useful for hunters who wanted to be able to easily see their hunting dogs when hunting so they wouldn't accidentally shoot them instead of the prey. tuxedo (si) A tuxedo is solid or pointed that usually, but certainly not always, has a well-demarcated white chest, white collar, white feet, white tailtip, and oftentimes a white spot or line on the head. - Tuxedo is called irish spotting, mantle, or boston in some breeds. It is a common pattern in basenjis, collies, and the greater swiss mountain dog. - Both parents should show or carry tuxedo in order to produce a true tuxedo; tuxedo (si) is recessive. - If both parents are tuxedo, all their offspring will be tuxedo. - Tuxedo is probably the most uncommon of the three parti-color patterns. piebald (sp) A piebald is a solid or pointed that is roughly half self-colored and half white, with the white areas being well-demarcated from the colored areas. A piebald usually, but certainly not always, has a white chest, four white legs, white underbody, and white tailtip, among other areas. - Piebald is called pie, pinto, or pattern white in some breeds. It is a common pattern in basset hounds, beagles, and cocker spaniels. - Both parents must show or carry piebald in order to produce a true piebald (spsp); piebald (sp) is recessive. - If both parents are piebald, all their offspring will be piebald. - Piebald can be the cause of cochlear deafness, also called color deafness, when it occurs over the ear; the absence of pigment cells in the hairs of the inner ear results in a loss of sound transmission. (To date there have been no studies published that scientifically determine the frequency of this within the dachshund breed itself.) - Piebald is not tricolor in the traditional sense of the term (as is seen in beagles, for instance); a traditional tricolor is defined as a pointed dog with a saddle (as), and saddling does not exist in dachshunds. - It may be difficult, if not impossible, to visually tell the difference between a piebald (spsp) and a half-tuxedo/half-piebald (sisp). extreme white (sw) An extreme white is nearly all white (sometimes completely white), often with just part of the face, part of the ear(s), and/or an area, usually near the base of the tail, well-demarcated with its self-color. - Extreme white is called white in some breeds. It is a pattern of white bull terriers and dalmations. - Both parents must show or carry extreme white in order to produce a true extreme white; extreme white (sw) is recessive. - If both parents are extreme white, all their offspring will be extreme white. - Extreme white can be the cause of cochlear deafness, also called color deafness, when it occurs over the ear; the absence of pigment cells in the hairs of the inner ear results in a loss of sound transmission. (This type of deafness is commonly seen in dalmations, cocker spaniels, english setters, white bull terriers, etc. To date there have been no studies published that scientifically determine the frequency of this within the dachshund breed itself.) - It may be difficult, if not impossible, to visually tell the difference between a piebald (spsp), a half-tuxedo/half-extreme white (sisw), or a half-piebald/half-extreme white (spsw).

Нюшка: а можно на русском??

bornao: http://www.translate.ru/Default.aspx/Text

Яна: я все-равно не понимаю

bornao: Яна сделаем русский вариант -только позже =) =) =)

Дафиша: Ну чем не такса? А может кремик покрашеный?

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:


Quality, not Quantit:

ap: красава! ))

ЕВРАЖКА: если не разглядывать мордочку-нос,а только уши и и лапы-спаниелька!у нас во дворе такой ходит..а этот-забавное создание!

ap: Очень классно. Для тех, кто любит спаниелей, но может позволить себе только таксу :о))

Quality, not Quantit: В Чехию купили кобеля пайболда-фото обещали прислать ЕССС Будут-будут и у нас пайболды (больше чем 2 штуки =))

Quality, not Quantit: Вот еще попался зверик у янков

Просто Мария: Ну душка, просто душка.

ap: исключительный окрас! ))

Quality, not Quantit: что русскому хорошо то немцу смерть

Quality, not Quantit: http://www.12many.com/duchwood/duchwood.html просили гладких-по ссылке

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

ФАГОТ МИ ГЕРА: Окрас интересный Но вот фотографии лучше бы выбирать более тщательно, чтобы экстерьером некоторых отдельных собак не пугать народ... Бывают и ОЧЕНЬ ПОРОДНЫЕ пайболды с эффектной разбивкой.

ap: А мы не боимся окрасов. Вот ежели букв много, тогда можем и испугаться ))


Quality, not Quantit: Моргана а на этих фото двойной мрамор =)

Моргана: Quality, not Quantit пишет: двойной мрамор = ну на первом фото и вторая мрамор , а на третьем на мрамор не похоже))

Quality, not Quantit: Моргана похоже похоже-двойной,но очень нарядный. В Канаде мне нра некоторые очень -но пайболды здоровее

LV: Моргана все собаки мрамор-мраморные, но двойной мрамор никакого отношения к пайболдам не имеет - генетически совершенно разные, и двойной мрамор имеет огромные проблемы со здоровьем не только в таксах но и во всех других породах с мраморным окрасом, а пайболд - это такие здоровенькие коровки мясо-шерстного направления (в смысле по добыче разного мясного и шерстяного), мне особенно нравятся холмогорские коровки (черно-пёстрые) вот как эти

Quality, not Quantit: LV вот нет,что б подборчку такую по длинникам пайболдам сделать

LV: а по гладким что? понравилось небось

Quality, not Quantit: я люблю мех

Quality, not Quantit:

LV: а вот теперь такое пятнушчатое чудо появилось и в России 2 совершенно очаровательные девушки обрели российское гражданство.

Quality, not Quantit: LV

Quality, not Quantit:

Quality, not Quantit:

Просто Мария: Чудесные девушки! А можно подробности.

LV: Просто Мария про девушек подробности можно посмотреть в их темке здесь

Quality, not Quantit: Sniffntell

Quality, not Quantit: Sniffntell

I: Симпатичные дворняжечки!!!!

Quality, not Quantit:

LV: смешной, но мне больше черно-белые нравятся, особенно как зененхунды

ФАГОТ МИ ГЕРА: LV пишет: мне больше черно-белые нравятся LV Вам кобелька не привезти?

Просто Мария: LV пишет: мне больше черно-белые нравятся Не, ну бело-горький шоколад тож очень нарядно

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